Exchange of injected hydrogen isotopes between diffusing and trapped states in Al

Exchange of hydrogen isotopes between diffusing and trapped populations was found with successive injections of 25 keV D2 + and 100 or 140 keV H2 + into Al surface by simultaneously detecting elastically recoilled hydrogen and deuterium using 2 MeV He+. When backward diffusion of injected hydrogen toward surface was supposed to be impeded or by-passed by structural changes in the subsurface layer due to ion bombardment, effective replacement cross-section of about 1.4 × 10−18 cm2 was observed. Otherwise, namely when the hydrogen backward diffusion is supposed to be rather free, the effective cross section of about 7.8 × 10−18 was observed. Due to the difference in energy of the first and second injections, this phenomenon is different from that so called “isotopic exchange”, which occurs through collisional process.