Administration of reserpine, trifluperidol, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, spiroperidol, and thioproperazine to adult mice shortened the latency and increased the number of animals with clonic seizures induced by 1-kynurenine sulfate or its metabolite quinolinic acid. Haloperidol dose-dependently intensified kynurenine-induced seizures and did not alter pentylenetetrazole seizures. Dopamine abolished the effect of haloperidol while serotonin was ineffective. Pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine potentiated kynurenine-induced seizures, but not quinolinic acid-induced seizures. The seizure thresholds of kynurenine and quinolinic acid were not affected by pretreatments with yohimbine, clonidine, piperoxan, phentolamine and tricyclic antidepressants. Apomorphine and amphetamine (i.p.), noradrenaline and adrenaline (i.c.v.) possess anticonvulsant action against kynurenine and not against quinolinic acid. The data obtained suggest a similarity of kynurenine and known convulsants in the involvement of the catecholaminergic processes in their convulsant action. Quinolinic acid markedly differs from kynurenine in its mechanism of action as indicated by their interactions with numerous endogenous substances.