Ho165+Fe56reaction atElab=462MeV

The system Ho165 + Fe56 was studied at a bombarding energy of Elab=462 MeV. The experimental Z distributions measured as a function of angle and energy are discussed. The integrated fragment Z distribution of the light reaction fragment is fairly broad and centered close to the charge of the projectile. The kinetic energy distribution extends from the quasielastic region down to energies smaller than the Coulomb energy of touching spherical nuclei. The angular distribution is peaked forward of the quarter-point angle and rises at small angles, which is interpreted as due to orbiting. Correlations of observed fragment Z distributions with energy loss give an indication of the progress of the reaction. Charge distributions show an average drift towards larger asymmetry and an increase in width with increasing energy damping. Results are presented taking account of the Coulomb barrier for two choices of the scission radius. With the aid of a phenomenological description, the initial angular momenta li and interaction times are deduced. Interaction times are compared to other characteristic times for the reaction as a function of l. Results from a classical dynamical model using a proximity formalism and one-body transport are shown for comparison to experimental observables and deduced quantities. The influence of a neck degree of freedom on the calculated trajectories is studied in some detail.