Effect of Uniaxial Stress on the Raman Spectra of Cubic Crystals: CaF2, BaF2, and Bi12GeO20

The effect of uniaxial stress on the first-order Raman spectra of the cubic crystals, CaF2, BaF2, and Bi12GeO20 is studied at 15 °K using a quantitative-stress cryostat. Both CaF2 and BaF2 belong to the space group Oh5(Fm 3m) and possess a single triply degenerate Raman-active zone-center optical phonon of F2g symmetry. In contrast, Bi12GeO20 has a very rich first-order Raman spectrum consisting of lines A, E, F, and LO-TO-split F modes. The effect of uniaxial stress on the F2g line of CaF2 and on Raman lines typical of the different symmetries in Bi12GeO20 is studied up to 7 kbar with compressive force F along [001], [111] or [110]. The Raman line of BaF2 is studied up to 2.4 kbar for F[001]. The stress-induced splittings and polarization characteristics in each case can be understood on the basis of the reduced symmetry of the crystal under applied stress. Using a perturbing Hamiltonian linear in strain, the secular equation is derived for phonons of each symmetry in terms of phenomenological "deformation-potential constants." Phonons of A, E, and F symmetry in T and of F2g symmetry in Oh are characterized by one, three, four, and three deformation-potential constants, respectively. Within the framework of this theory, the splittings as a function of the crystallographic orientation of the applied force can be correlated in terms of the deformation-potential constants, whereas the intensities of the stress-induced components can be calculated in terms of the zero-stress polarizability-tensor components. Experimentally, in all the cases the positions of the stress-induced components are observed to vary linearly with stress; the splittings, shifts, and polarization characteristics are consistent with the predictions based on the reduced symmetry of the crystal as well as the deformation-potential approach. On the basis of the observed polarization characteristics of the stress-induced components, appropriate eigenvalues have been associated...