Corneal Infections After Implantation of Intracorneal Ring Segments

To report risk factors, clinical course, and outcome in patients with infectious keratitis following implantation of intracorneal ring segments (ICRS). The records of 8 patients with culture-proven infectious keratitis after ICRS (Ferrara® or Intacs®) implantation were retrospectively reviewed. Age, gender, corneal findings, ocular abnormalities, the condition that led to ICRS implantation, immediate prior use of a contact lens, elapsed time between implantation and the onset of symptoms, previous medications, and systemic disorders were noted. Culture-positive infectious keratitis developed in 7 eyes of 7 patients (2 men and 5 women) with a mean age of 35 years who underwent Ferrara implantantion for the treatment of keratoconus and in a 29-year-old man who underwent Intacs implantation for correction of low myopia. Contact lens use, diabetes, and trauma were factors possibly associated with the risk of infection in three cases. Microorganisms, identified in all cases, included Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pseudomonas sp, Nocardia sp, Klebsiella sp, and Paecylomices sp. Onset of symptoms of infection varied from less than 1 week to 22 months postoperatively, depending on the infecting organism. Infectious keratitis following ICRS implantation is a sight-threatening complication for which early recognition and rapid institution of appropriate treatment may result in a better visual outcome.