Electrode dependence of resistance switching in polycrystalline NiO films

We investigated resistance switching in top-electrode/NiOPt structures where the top electrode was Au, Pt, Ti, or Al. For PtNiOPt and AuNiOPt structures with ohmic contacts, the effective electric field inside the film was high enough to induce trapping or detrapping at defect states and thus resistance switching. For a TiNiOPt structure with well-defined Schottky contact at TiNiO interface accompanied by an appreciable voltage drop, the effective electric field inside the NiO film was not enough to induce resistance switching. For an AlNiOPt structure with a low Schottky barrier at the AlNiO interface, resistance switching could be induced at a higher voltage since the voltage drop at the AlNiO interface was not negligible but small.