Nuclear Charge Distribution in Symmetric Fission ofU235with Thermal Neutrons: Yields ofAg117,Ag118, andPd118

Pd118 was identified; it decays with a half-life of 3.1±0.3 sec. Its cumulative fractional chain yield is 0.29±0.03. The half-lives of Ag117 and Ag118 were verified. Their independent fractional chain yields are 0.35±0.05 and 0.55±0.10, respectively. The width parameter σ in the 118-mass chain is 0.65±0.16, with the assumption that the distribution of nuclear charge is Gaussian. The most probable nuclear charge Zp in the 117- and 118-mass chains is 46.22±0.17 and 46.88±0.12, respectively. These values of Zp range close to those calculated for unchanged charge distribution.