Statistical multistep direct calculations for (p,p’) continuum spectra up to 200 MeV

Double differential cross sections have been calculated for (p,p’) reactions on Ni58, Mo100, and Au197 targets at incident proton energies of 100, 120, 150, 175, and 200 MeV using the multistep direct nuclear reaction code of Bonetti and Chiesa, which is based on the statistical multistep direct theory of Feshbach, Kerman, and Koonin. Extensive comparisons are made with experimental data, and in general it is found that the theory gives a good description of the angular distributions. There is evidence that the predicted cross sections deviate more from experiment at very low and very high excitation energies of the residual nucleus. The effects of uncertainties in the input parameters of the theory are also considered, as well as possible ways to improve the accuracy of the implementation of the theory.