Comprehensive Care of the Coronary Patient

This paper deals with the impact of coronary disease on the social, psychological, and physiological balance of the individual. There are 4 sections: (1) the coronary patient as a member of society, (2) the coronary patient as an individual, (3) impact of coronary disease on the physiologic balance of the individual, (4) clinical implications of comprehensive care. The patient with established coronary disease invariably has needs and depleted reserves in the psychological and social spheres, as well as in his biological functioning. He brings them as part of his medical problem into the physician''s office or the hospital. The modern clinician must be alert to these problems, not because he is expected to solve them single-handedly, but because they seriously interfere with restoration to physical health. If the practicing physician is to retain his central role in the provision of health care for the patient with coronary disease, he must develop competence in work physiology and work together with the growing corps of allied professional health workers.