Phytochrome in the far-red light absorbing form (Pfr) was observed to disappear in vivo more rapidly from the non-cation-requiring pelletable phytochrome population than from the supernantant phytochrome population of oat seedlings given an increasing dark incubation after red irradiation. The amount of pelletable phytochrome in the red light absorbing form (Pr) remained relatively stable while supernatant Pr was lost. These observations indicated that supernant Pfr was subject to loss during the incubation, while pelletable Pfr was subject to both dark reversion and loss. During the incubation, the ability of far-red irradiation to reverse the red-induced increase in phytochrome pelletability was lost, with kinetics similar to those of the loss of pelletable Pfr. Far-red reversibility of the red-induced increase in coleoptile elongation correlated with the change intotal Pfr in both supernatant and pelletable phytochrome populations, but with the change in the ratio of Pfr to total phytochrome only in the pelletable phytochrome population. The possible significance of these results is discussed with reference to the action of phytochrome in the photocontrol of physiological growth responses.