Spectrophotometric phytochrome measurements in light-grown Avena sativa L.

Phytochrome was studied spectrophotometrically in Avena sativa L. seedlings that had been grown for 6 d in continous white fluorescent light from lamps. Greening was prevented through the use of the herbicide San 9789. When placed in the light, phytochrome (Ptot) decreased with first order kinetics (τ1/2 ≈ 2 h) but reached a stable low level (≈2.5% of the dark level) after 36 h. This concentration of phytochrome remained constant in the light and during the initial hours of a subsequent dark period, but increased significantly after a prolonged dark period. Evidence suggests that the constant pool of phytochrome in the light is achieved through an equilibrium between synthesis of the red absorbing (Pr) and destruction of the far-red absorbing form (Pfr) of phytochrome. It is concluded that the phytochrome system in light-grown oat seedlings is qualitatively the same as that known from etiolated monocotyledonous seedlings, but different than that described for cauliflower florets.