Enhancing Occupational Performance through Occupationally Embedded Exercise: A Meta-Analytic Review

Occupation or purposeful activity is the unique historical root of occupational therapy and is thought to enhance health and prevent disability. Nelson's (1988) recent conceptual framework of occupation consolidates the beliefs of occupational therapy. One focus for empirical research and theoretical inquiry is the relationship between occupational form and occupational performance. This article critically analyzes this important part of the Nelson model and meta-analytically summarizes findings of the empirical studies that have examined this relationship. Results of the meta-analysis showed a substantial relationship of occupational form to occupational performance (weighted mean effect size r=0.50) in support of the proposition of the Nelson model that occupation can be analyzed in terms of the relationship between occupational form and occupational performance. The impact of potential moderators on the study findings is explored. Implications for occupational therapy theory and practice are discussed.