Background All medical practitioners should be able to manage the airway of an unconscious patient. Endotracheal intubation is the most effective method of securing the airway but is a complex skill requiring much practice. Traditionally, endotracheal intubation has been taught on patients, but this is not ideal. Methods We have developed a short course on endotracheal intubation taught in a clinical simulation unit (CSU). This unit has a large range of airway trainers and patient simulators, some of which can be manipulated to make intubation more difficult. Endotracheal intubation is taught in a series of steps in order to avoid cognitive overload. Each step is taught on an airway trainer that has no difficult features. Once this is mastered, more difficult situations are presented which require application of new techniques and/or equipment. In this way, students learn useful schemas to apply clinically. Results In 1 year, over 100 students and trainees were taught endotracheal intubation in the CSU. The ideal group size was found to be two students and one trainer. It took 75 to 90 minutes for most students to reach a standard where they could be expected to safely perform the technique on a patient. All comments on learning endotracheal intubation in this setting were positive. Many students felt more comfortable learning on a model than on a patient. Conclusion Learning clinical procedures on simulators is becoming an essential part of medical education. More than one airway trainer may be needed to give students the expertise to perform endotracheal intubation on patients.