The purpose of the present study was to develop a computationally efficient finite element model that could be useful for parametric analysis of the biphasic poroviscoelastic (BPVE) behavior of articular cartilage under various loading conditions. The articular cartilage was modeled as the BPVE mixture of a porous, linear viscoelastic, and incompressible solid and an inviscid and incompressible fluid. A finite element (FE) formulation of the BPVE model was developed using two different algorithms, the continuous and discrete spectrum relaxation functions for the viscoelasticity of the solid matrix. These algorithms were applied to the creep and stress relaxation responses to the confined compression of articular cartilage, and a comparison of their performances was made. It was found that the discrete spectrum algorithm significantly saved CPU time and memory, as compared to the continuous spectrum algorithm. The consistency analysis for the present FE formulation was performed in comparison with the IMSL, a commercially available numerical software package. It was found that the present FE formulation yielded consistent results in predicting model behavior, whereas the IMSL subroutine produced inconsistent results in the velocity field, and thereby in the strain calculation.