Ionization energy of the shallow nitrogen acceptor in zinc selenide

Evidence on the presence and binding energy of the shallow N acceptor is obtained for growth-doped liquid-phase-epitaxial (LPE) and organometallic chemical-vapor-deposited (OMCVD) ZnSe thin single-crystal layers. The small increase in N-acceptor bound-exciton (BE) binding energy EBX relative to the Li acceptor, 0.3 meV, is clearly established from intercomparison of spectral features and use of tunable dye-laser spectroscopy. The LPE crystals contain a new unidentified donor ED=26.8 meV, as well as In and Al minor donors, while the dominant donor in these OMCVD crystals is Ga. Selectively excited donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) luminescence spectra contain a satellite structure which provides an estimate of (EA)N=111±1 meV, distinctly 2.2±0.5 meV shallower than the Li acceptor but ∼21 meV deeper than some previous estimates from LPE ZnSe:N. This estimate is confirmed by A0,X BE "two-hole" satellites observed under strong optical pumping. The effective-mass value of EA is placed close to 110 meV. The dependence of displacement energy of this structure on DAP separation is very significant in the comparison of Li and N acceptors. The relationship of EBX and EA is retrograde for the shallowest acceptors N, Li, and Na so far identified in ZnSe. Sharp differences between the excitation spectra of BE photoluminescence between n-type ZnSe and p-type ZnTe doped to comparable concentrations are discussed. It is concluded that the best N-doped OMCVD ZnSe yet available is still n type due to residual donors.