Reference levels at European level for cardiac interventional procedures

In interventional cardiology, a wide variation in patient dose for the same type of procedure has been recognised by different studies. Variation is almost due to procedure complexity, equipment performance, procedure protocol and operator skill. The SENTINEL consortium has performed a survey in nine european centres collecting information on near 2000 procedures, and a new set of reference levels (RLs) for coronary angiography and angioplasty and diagnostic electrophysiology has been assessed for air kerma-area product: 45, 85 and 35 Gy cm2, effective dose: 8, 15 and 6 mSv, cumulative dose at interventional reference point: 650 and 1500 mGy, fluoroscopy time: 6.5, 15.5 and 21 min and cine frames: 700 and 1000 images, respectively. Because equipment performance and set-up are the factors contributing to patient dose variability, entrance surface air kerma for fluoroscopy, 13 mGy min−1, and image acquisition, 0.10 mGy per frame, have also been proposed in the set of RLs.