Glucosamine-Containing Sphingoglycolipids from Sheep Erythrocytes1

Glucosamine-containing sphingoglycolipids were isolated from sheep erythrocyte membranes, and the presence of glycolipids with long carbohydrate chains was demonstrated. The purification of highly polar glycolipids was achieved by highly polar glycolipids was achieved by high-performance liquid chromatography of acetylated samples followed by deacetylation with sodium methoxide. Their structures were elucidated by conventional methylation studies, oxidation with chromium trioxide and the direct measurement of permethylated glycolipids by GC-MS. Forssman-active glycolipid2 was a major component of sheep erythrocytes and lacto-N neotetraosylceramide (LcnOse4Cer) was found to be one of the components. The amount of tetraglycosylceramide was only 5% of that of Forssman-active glycolipid. Three highly polar glycolipid components with ten to twelve carbohydrate residues were also found in sheep erythrocytes.