Cerradoa Palmaea: The First Rust Fungus on Palmae

SUMMARY The monotypic genus Cerradoa on Attalea ceraensis from Federal District, Brazil is the first rust fungus to be found on Palmae. It has superstomatal sori and is closest to the Andean genus Edythea on Berberidaceae. We segregate Edythea from Desmella on ferns because the sporogenous cells of Edythea are produced on emergent hyphae outside of stomata, whereas in Desmella sporogenous cells originate within the substomatal cavity and then emerge. Desmella and those Hemileia species with superstomatal type B sori of Gopalkrishnan produce almost identical, unique soral structures. We consider them closely related. Desmellopsis aframomicola does not produce truly superstomatal sori and is transferred to Puccinia.