Transtracheal Selective Bronchoqraphy

The entire procedure takes less time and is less objectionable to the patient than the transglotic method. The technique and the equipment required are described. The modification consists in the advancement of the catheter through the cricothyroid membrane by the Seldinger technic in a simple and painless fashion. A radiopaque red Odman catheter with 1 side-hole and 1 end-hole is employed. Its tip is molded so that its curve may be adapted to the anatomy of the bronchus to be catheterized. The minimal rigidity of the catheter permits easy manipulation and placement within the desired bronchus. The amounts of contrast material and anesthetic required are reduced to a minimum. In this series Xylocaine was the anesthetic and Hytrast the contrast medium. The local complications are considered those secondary to the insertion of the catheter and the general complications those common to all bronchographic technics, such as fever, resulting from the introduction of the contrast medium.