Detection of a novel HLA-DQ specificity: serological and immunochemical analyses by a monoclonal antibody

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) with a novel human B-cell allospecificity was produced by immunizing a C3H/He mouse with the human B lymphoblastoid cell line EBV-Wa (HLA-DR4/Dw15/DQblank homozygous). The mAb, termed HU-46, reacted with B cells from not only DR4/Dw15-positive individuals but also certain DRw8/Dw8-positive ones whose DQ phenotypes had not yet been defined. Two-dimensional gel analyses indicated that the mAb recognized class II antigens which were encoded by the HLA-DQ locus. Furthermore, in genetic analysis, the gene encoding the class II antigen detected by HU-46 met the Hardy-Weinberg condition as a fourth allele of the DQ locus. We provisionally labeled this novel DQ specificity DQWa.