Combination of Column Temperature Gradient and Mobile Phase Flow Gradient in Microcolumn and Capillary Column High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

The combination of several gradient modes (solvent, temperature, and flow programming) is rarely used in HPLC analysis. In this work, the separations obtained utilizing simultaneous flow and temperature gradient in capillary column and microcolumn HPLC were compared with the separations performed under isocratic, isothermal, and isorheic (constant flow) conditions. When the mobile phase flow rate and the column temperature were changed simultaneously during the separation run, the analysis time was shortened up to 50%, while the separation efficiency was preserved. The separations obtained with combined temperature and flow gradients show high reproducibility (relative standard deviation <2.0%), comparable to the reproducibility normally seen with a mobile phase gradient. For capillary HPLC, simultaneous temperature and flow programming is the method of choice because of the great technical difficulties involved in performing solvent gradient elution.

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