Single Molecule Study of Xanthan Conformation Using Atomic Force Microscopy

Conformations of individual macromolecules of the biopolymer xanthan were investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Xanthan from very dilute solutions (1 ppm) was allowed to adsorb onto freshly cleaved mica and examined using tapping mode AFM under ambient conditions. The secondary structure of xanthan was probed by heating the polymer and gradually cooling, which denatured and renatured the polymer. When salt was present, renatured xanthan formed a double helical structure, consistent with the structure of native xanthan. In pure water, renaturation was not complete as what appeared to be single helical structures were observed. The number-average contour length (L(n)) of the polymer in its single helical state was 1651 nm. In the double helical state, induced by the addition of salt, L(n) decreased to 450 nm (in 0.5 M KCl). The chains also became less rigid as salt was added. The persistence length decreased from 417 nm in pure water to approximately 150 nm in 0.1 or 0.5 M KCl. This indicated a trend toward more flexible molecules when salt was present. Calculations of end-to-end distances based on equilibrium and projected conformations confirmed that the xanthan chain conformation on the mica surface was at equilibrium and was therefore representative of the conformation of xanthan in solution. The single-molecule AFM technique eliminates one common bias of solution techniques, which is the determination of an average signal between aggregates and dissolved molecules. It is thus a useful complement to solution-based methods for determining physical-chemical properties of biopolymers.