Urinary excretion of calcium and strontium 85 in man

Urinary Sr85 and stable Ca excretions were compared in 45 patients after intravenous or oral administration of the radioisotope. Although correlations were found between Sr85 and Ca excretions, there was a wide range of Sr85 excretions at a given Ca excretion. The best correlation appeared to be between Sr85 and Ca clearances. Empirical equations and curves are given to permit an estimate of urinary Sr85 excretion from Ca excretion. The renal tubular reabsorption of Ca was greater than that of Sr85 in all patients, whether Ca excretion was low or high. Fluctuations of urinary Sr85 in a given individual were related to those of Ca to calculate reproducibility of a study. Submitted on September 5, 1961