Compatibility of Enterocystoplasty and the Artificial Urinary Sphincter

Placement of the artificial urinary sphincter during augmentation enterocystoplasty may lead to infection, erosion and eventual removal of the device. To assess compatibility of artificial urinary sphincter implantation and enterocystoplasty we reviewed the records of 30 patients who had undergone enterocystoplasty and artificial urinary sphincter placement simultaneously (11), enterocystoplasty before artificial urinary sphincter placement (12) and artificial urinary sphincter placement before enterocystoplasty (7). The 19 male and 11 female patients were between 4 and 42 years old (median age 13.5 years). Followup in 28 patients ranged from 6 months to 8 years (average 17 months). Incontinence resulted from myelodysplasia in 16 patients, sacral agenesis in 3, spinal cord injury in 6, posterior urethral valves in 1, bilateral ectopic ureters in 1 and epispadias-exstrophy in 3.