Solutions of six chlorinated-hydrocarbon insecticides in kerosene have been applied in drops of about 0·02 microlitre (µl.) to adults of Glossina morsitans Westw., 2–5 days old, one day after the first meal. This species is found to be unusually susceptible to this group of insecticides. In order of increasing toxicity they are: DDT and aldrin, γ BHC, dieldrin and endrin, Telodrin (1,3,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-methanophthalan). The LD50 of DDT was 0·0165 µg. (males) and 0·025 µg. (females), that of Telodrin was 0·00062 µg. (males). Susceptibility of the two sexes to DDT, γ BHC and dieldrin did not differ significantly. Two batches of flies tested with an interval of eight months differed by about two times in their response to dieldrin and γ BHC; but the response to DDT was unchanged. This difference was not seasonal.For practical use, dieldrin is the best and cheapest available insecticide, a fact confirmed in the field. Only Telodrin might replace it.