Molecular cloning of the receptor for human antidiuretic hormone

Antidiuresis, the recovery of water from the lumen of the renal collecting tubule, is regulated by the hypothalamic release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which binds to specific receptors on renal collecting tubule cells, stimulates adenylyl cyclase and promotes the cyclic AMP-mediated incorporation of water pores into the luminal surface of these cells. We report here the isolation of the human ADH receptor gene using a genomic expression cloning approach. The gene was used to clone the complementary DNA from a human renal library. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the receptor yields a hydropathy profile characteristic of receptors with seven putative transmembrane regions. This and the comparison with other cloned receptors indicates that the ADH receptor is a member of the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors.