cDNA eloping of bovine substance-K receptor through oocyte expression system

The neuropeptide receptors which are present in very small quantities in the cell and are embedded tightly in the plasma membrane have not been well characterized. Mammals contain three distinct tachykinin neuropeptides, substance P, substance K and neuromedin K, and it has been suggested that there are multiple tachykinin receptors. By electrophysiological measurement, we have previously shown that Xenopus oocytes injected with brain and stomach mRNAs faithfully express mammalian substance-P and substance-K receptors, respectively. Here we report the isolation of the cDNA clone for bovine substance-K receptor (SKR) by extending this method to develop a new cloning strategy. We constructed a stomach cDNA library with a cloning vector that allowed in vitro synthesis of mRNAs and then identified a particular cDNA clone by testing for receptor expression following injection of the mRNAs synthesized in vitro into the oocyte system. Because oocytes injected with exogenous mRNAs can express numerous receptors and channels, our new strategy will be applicable in the general molecular cloning of these proteins. The result provides the first indication that the neuropeptide receptor has sequence similarity with rhodopsin-type receptors (the G-protein-coupled receptor family) and thus possesses multiple membrane-spanning domains.