A new symmetry: A anti-B is anti-(B anti-A), and reverse enhancement.

Immune system network theory leads to a new symmetry, namely that the antibodies produced in an allogeneic A anti-B immune response (where A and B are, say, two different mouse strains), should have complementary shapes to the antibodies in a B anti-A response. That is, A anti-B is anti-(B anti-A). This symmetry is due to the existence of two readily separable populations of antibodies that are present in alloantisera: anti-foreign and anti-anti-self antibodies. The theoretical basis for the symmetry is described, and results indicating the presence of anti-anti-self antibodies in each of 12 alloantisera (six made in B10-congenic strains, and six made with the unrelated chains CBA, SJL, and C57BL/6) are reported. The finding that hyperimmune alloantisera routinely contain anti-anti-self antibodies suggests that network regulation plays an important role in maintaining self-tolerance during responses to allogeneic cells. We further show that A anti-B serum absorbed against B can specifically prolong the survival of A grafts in a B strain animal. We suggest that this result can be interpreted as being due to A anti-(B anti-A) antibodies preventing B anti-A cells from rejecting the A grafts. We call this phenomenon "reverse enhancement" because it involves the converse antiserum to that used in conventional enhancement of graft survival by specific antibodies.