Organization of the spino‐cervico‐thalamic system

In addition to the classical spino‐thalamic and medial lemniscal systems in mammals, there is a spino‐cervico‐thalamic system relayed by the nucleus cervicalis lateralis. This nucleus is a well defined nucleus situated in the lateral funiculus, ventrolateral to the dorsal horn. It is a slender cell column, extending from the lower portion of the medulla through the upper two cervical segments of the spinal cord of the cat as well as some other mammals including primates.Experimental studies have shown that the nucleus cervicalis lateralis serves as a second relay nucleus, projecting to the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of contralateral thalamus. It receives impulses from dorsal root fibers via three different first relay nuclei, namely, Clarke's column, ventral spinocerebellar tract neurons, and the large‐sized neurons in dorsal horn of lower lumbar through sacral segments.The morphology of neurons of the nucleus cervicalis lateralis is unique. The dendrites are well confined in the nucleus and most of them run in the longitudinal direction. Golgi studies revealed the collaterals from dorsal portion of the lateral funiculus to the nucleus. Three types of terminals, namely, bouton of passage, terminal clusters and basket‐like terminals, were found in this nucleus.