Lipids in Schoolchildren 6 to 17 Years of Age: Upper Normal Limits

As part of a multiclinic U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute study of lipid levels of Americans, the University of Cincinnati studied a total school district''s population. Of a total of 8906 eligible students from all grades, 6-17 yr old, 7337 participated (82%). After fasting for 12 h or more, plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels were ascertained in 6775 children. For white and black boys and girls, normal lipid values are given by age in fasting and casual (nonfasting) states. This study group closely resembled a normal pediatric practice population so that the values established may be used as baseline data for the practicing pediatrician. Since sex, race and age are dominant sources for variations, care must be taken in the interpretation of minor changes that occur over time in a child.