A method has been developed to detect the fine structures which appear in the total secondary electron yield σ and the back‐scattering coefficient η as a function of primary electron energy Ep. The method is based on differentiating the σ‐vs‐Ep or η‐vs‐Ep curves by Ep by superimposing a small modulating voltage on Ep. To automatically record the σ‐ (or η‐) vs‐Ep and dσ/dEp‐ (or dη/dEp‐) vs‐Ep curves, the primary electron current was stabilized within ± 0.1% by regulating the temperature of the cathode. Using this method, a large number of fine structures on the σ‐vs‐Ep and η‐vs‐Ep curves for a Si(111) single crystal could be detected over the Ep range 20–2000 eV. General features of the fine structures seem to agree with those of the LEED spot intensities, and the fine structures are probably caused by the elastically reflected primaries.

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