Imazaquin and chlorsulfuron resistance and cross resistance in mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Chlorsulfuron and/or imazaquin resistant mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain CW15 have been obtained and shown to have actolactate synthase (ALS) with altered sensitivity to one or both of these herbicides. Herbicide resistance in the three mutants described is allelic, and resistance appears to result from a dominant or semidominant mutation in a single, nuclear gene. Imazaquin and chlorsulfuron resistant ALS from imazaquin and chlorsulfuron resistant mutants, together with single-gene Mendelian inheritance of these phenotypes, suggests that ALS is the sole site of action of the two herbicides in Chlamydomonas. A high degree of cross resistance between the two herbicides was found in only one mutant. This mutant (IM-13) was selected for resistance to imazaquin and has a high level of in vitro resistance to both imazaquin (270-fold increased I50) and chlorsulfuron (900-fold increased I50). In another mutant selected for resistance to imazaquin (IMR-2), hyper-sensitivity to chlorsulfuron was found. A mutant selected for resistance to chlorsulfuron (CSR-5), had a substantial degree of resistance of chlorsulfuron (80-fold increased I50), but not to imazaquin (7-fold increased I50).