Drug induction and sex differences of renal glutathione S-transferases in the rat

Treatment of male rats with 3,4-benzopyrene, 3-methylcholanthrene and phenobarbital resulted in the induction of glutathione S-aryl- and S-aralkyl-transferase activities in kidney cytosol. Benzopyrene produced 77 and 44% increases in aryl and aralkyl activities respectively. Methylcholanthrene caused 73 and 86% increases in the retrospective activities, whereas phenobarbital treatment increased only aralkyl activity (51%). There was no effect on epoxide or alkyl glutathione S-transferase activities with these treatments. Differences were found between the specific activities of the four glutathione S-transferases in females and males, with the following female/male ratios: aryl 0.74; aralkyl 2.37; epoxide 1.52; alkyl 1.33. No changes in Km values were observed relative to drug induction or sex differences. Comparisons are made between the findings of this report and corresponding experiements with liver.