On crystal plasticity FLD analysis

This paper is concerned with the computation of forming limit diagrams (FLDs) using a rate-sensitive polycrystal plasticity model together with the Marciniak–Kuczynski approach. Sheet necking is initiated from an initial imperfection in terms of a narrow band. The deformations inside and outside the band are assumed to be homogeneous and conditions of compatibility and equilibrium are enforced across the band interfaces. Thus, the polycrystal model needs only to be applied to two polycrystalline aggregates, one inside and one outside the band. Each grain is modelled as an FCC crystal with 12 distinct slip systems. The response of an aggregate comprised of many grains is based on an elastic–viscoplastic Taylor‐type polycrystal model developed by Asaro and Needleman (1985). The effects of initial imperfection intensity and orientation, initial distribution of grain orientations, crystal elasticity, strain rate sensitivity, single slip hardening and latent hardening on the FLD are discussed in detail. The predicted FLD is compared with experimental data for an aluminium alloy sheet.

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