Neonatal screening for sickle cell diseases in Camberwell: results and recommendations of a two year pilot study.

The sickle cell diseases are a major health problem for Afro-Caribbean peoples. Neonatal detection and prophylactic management can reduce mortality and morbidity in childhood. A study was therefore conducted analysing the results of the first two years of cord blood screening in the Camberwell health area. Thirteen cases of sickle cell disease and two of haemoglobin (Hb)C disease were identified among 2202 non-white infants screened. The carrier state, sickle cell trait (HbAS), was present in 11.9% and HbC trait (HbAC) in 4.1% of Afro-Caribbean infants. The incidence of disease and of carrier states was much higher in West Africans than in Caribbeans. The wider implications of screening and the need for a comprehensive plan of care are emphasised.