Effect of Method of Homogenization of Beef Muscle Tissue on Activity of Succinic Dehydrogenase System.

The succinic dehydrogenase activity of beef muscle determined after different methods of homogenization of the tissue was investigated. The amt. of beef muscle needed for a representative sample was too large to be conveniently used with the Potter-Elvehjem homo-genizer; however, the samples could be prepared for assay by homogenizing in a Waring blendor, providing that the homogenization time was held to a minimum. This was evidenced from studies which showed that homogenizing the minced beef tissues in a Waring blendor for 1 minute or homogenizing Latapie minces for 30 sec. resulted in a greater succinic dehydrogenase activity than that obtained when the tissues were homogenized for longer periods. Other expts. with rat tissues showed that the enzyme activity of rat muscle homogenized in the Waring blendor for 1 minute, in a Potter-Elvehjem homo-genizer, or ground with sand was essentially the same.

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