A compete orthonormal basis of N-qutrit unitary operators drawn from the Pauli group consists of the identity and 9N1 traceless operators. The traceless ones partition into 3N+1 maximally commuting subsets (MCS’s) of 3N1 operators each, whose joint eigenbases are mutually unbiased. We prove that Pauli factor groups of order 3N are isomorphic to all MCS’s and show how this result applies in specific cases. For two qutrits, the 80 traceless operators partition into 10 MCS’s. We prove that 4 of the corresponding basis sets must be separable, while 6 must be totally entangled (and Bell-like). For three qutrits, 728 operators partition into 28 MCS’s with less rigid structure, allowing for the coexistence of separable, partially entangled, and totally entangled (GHZ-like) bases. However a minimum of 16GHZ-like bases must occur. Every basis state is described by an N-digit trinary number consisting of the eigenvalues of N observables constructed from the corresponding MCS.