Neutron and proton bands in122Xe at high spins

High-spin bands in 122,123,124Xe and 123Cs were populated using 3He- and 16, 18O-induced reactions on Te, Pd and Ag targets. The subsequent de-excitation was studied using gamma -ray and conversion-electron spectroscopic methods. States with spins up to Jpi =(25-), (35/2-), (21-) and (51/2-), respectively, were identified. In 122Xe four Delta I=2 bands were identified in addition to the ground state and gamma bands, and furthermore a Delta J=1 band with a tentative (K,I)pi =(10, 10)- band head was observed. In 123Xe the previously observed 11/2- and 7/2+ bands were extended to Jpi =(35/-) and (23/2+), respectively. The yrast cascade in 123Cs was extended to spin 51/2-. In 124Xe the recently presented level scheme was completed with some high-lying levels. The band structures were interpreted within the cranked shell model (CSM) framework. A consistent description of band crossing frequencies in both odd and even nuclides was obtained, and configurations were assigned to most of the observed bands. Some relative transition rates were obtained from branching intensities.