Carcinogen Metabolizing Enzymes in Nude Mice

Hepatic and cutaneous microsomal hydroxylating and conjugating enzymes from female and male NMRInu/numice were analyzed, and the response of these enzymes to repeated exposures with 3‐methylcholanthrene were studied. Sex differences were observed in basal activities of hydroxylating enzymes. These differences were not the same in the liver as in the skin and were reversed in female and male. Activity ratios of hepatic and cutaneous hydroxylating enzymes were between 40‐200. The ratios between hydroxylating and conjugating enzymes were much lower in the skin than in liver. Furthermore the ratios were depending on hydroxylating enzymes. 3‐Methylcholanthrene treatment increased both hydroxylating and conjugating enzymes in the liver and in the skin. Again, there were sex differences in the induction pattern, and also the induction in the liver was unrelated to that in the skin. There was no correlation in induction between hydroxylating and conjugating enzymes.