The Influence of Thiouracil and Thiourea on the Growth and Fattening of Lambs

Thiouracil intakes of 0.175 gm. to 0.544 gm. per lamb per day had no significant effect on the rate of growth as measured by total gain in weight, although rate of gain was slightly reduced in all lots receiving thiouracil. Thiourea produced significant reductions in lamb growth when fed at levels ranging from 0.048 to 0.071 gm. per lamb daily. Feed intake was somewhat reduced in all the groups receiving thiouracil and thiourea. Neither thiouracil nor thiourea was relished by lambs and both were definitely unpalatable. The feed requirements per pound of gain were not affected by thiouracil until intake exceeded 0.353 gm. daily but there was a tendency for the gross efficiency to be reduced as the levels of thiouracil and thiourea were increased. Thiouracil and thiourea at all levels fed produced highly significant increases in thyroid weight. The largest numbers of top grade (AA) carcasses occurred in the lots receiving 0.175 and 0.333 gm. of thiouracil per lamb daily. These lot differences approached statistical significance. Copyright © . .