Controlled evaluation of blood culture medium containing gelatin and V-factor-analog for detection of septicemia in children

Both Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae are important isolates recovered in blood cultures from septicemic children. Sodium polyanetholsulfonate is present in most blood culture media and can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including N. meningitidis. The addition of gelatin to blood culture media neutralizes this inhibition. The growth of H. influenzae is enhanced by specific growth factors such as hemin and NAD. The addition of gelatin and V-factor-analog (a proprietary supplement for enhancing the growth of H. influenzae) might have a positive effect on the yield and on the speed of detection of septicemia in children. To evaluate this possibility, we did 4,565 paired comparisons of blood cultured in BACTEC 6B (aerobic) medium with and without the addition of both 1.2% gelatin and V-factor-analog. More aerobic and facultative bacteria grew in the 6B than in the 6B-gelatin-V-factor-analog medium (P < 0.01). Only seven isolates of Neisseria spp. were recovered during this study period, with the 6B medium performing as well as the supplemented medium. When microorganisms grew in both bottles, they did so at the same time except for H. influenzae and Candida albicans. H. influenzae was recovered earlier from the 6B-gelatin-V-factor-analog bottle (P < 0.01), with a mean time to detection of 8.5 h compared with 15.9 h for the 6B bottle. C. albicans was recovered earlier from the 6B bottle (P < 0.02), with a mean time to detection of 34.9 h compared with 71.6 h for the 6B-gelatin-V-factor-analog bottle. We conclude that the 6B medium in its present formulation is superior to 6B supplemented with gelatin and V-factor-analog.