Three groups of 27 mature ewes were fed individually for 1 yr. pelleted rations containing 7, 10, and 13% protein (0.13, 0.23, and 0.29 lb. D.C.P. daily per ewe). T.D.N. intake was approx. the same for all groups. Avg. body wts. of the 3 groups were approx. the same until the latter stages of pregnancy when the low-protein group gained less than the other 2 groups. Birth wts. of the lambs from the ewes receiving the low-protein ration were significantly less than from the ewes receiving the higher protein rations. Tne lambs from the low-protein ewes gained less than the lambs from the other 2 groups-There was no significant difference in avg. body wts. of ewes receiving 10 and 13% protein rations nor was there any difference in avg. birth wts. or gains to 6 wks. of the lambs from these ewes.