Production of Strange Particles by 2.8-Bev Protons in C, Fe, and Pb

Observations of Λ0, θ10, and Σπ± particles from 2.8-Bev proton interactions have been made in a multiplate cloud chamber with one-half inch plates of C, Fe, and Pb. The Y0(Λ0, Σ0) and θ0 cross sections, when compared with those observed for production by 1.5-Bev π mesons with the identical arrangement, are lower by at least a factor of four for C and a factor of two for Pb. Production of Σπ±'s by protons and pions seem to be of comparable magnitude in either C or Pb. Since protons are less effective than pions of similar kinetic energy (in the center-of-mass system) in producing strange particles, it is estimated in the case of incident protons that indirect production of strange particles by intermediate pions accounts for (4013+28)% of the observed particles in C and (6414+21)% in Pb. The different A dependence of the proton and pion cross sections for producing observable strange particles (Λ0, θ10, Σπ±π±+n) may be fitted by a total proton-nucleon direct production cross section of 0.09±0.06 mb.