Particles with RNA of High Molecular Weight and RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase in Human Brain Tumors

We have previously shown that neoplastic cells of human breast cancers, leukemias, lymphomas, and sarcomas contain particles similar to the viruses that have been established as etiologic agents of these diseases in mice. The present paper concerns tumors of the central nervous system for which no suitable animal model or corresponding virus exists. Nevertheless, using the simultaneous detection test, we showed that human brain tumors contain 70S RNA and RNA-directed DNA polymerase encapsulated in a particulate component possessing a density of 1.17 g/ml. These particles satisfy the three diagnostic criteria that characterize RNA tumor viruses of animals. 24 Out of 26 (92%) of the most malignant (glioblastoma and medulloblastoma) brain tumors examined contained these virus-like entities.