Since the introduction in the 1940s of an effective method for facial dermabrasion using the wire brush, there have been many ancillary procedures developed. Preoperative aids include scar elevation and punch grafting of deep scars prior to dermabrasion. Retinoic acid can prime the skin for more rapid healing. Gas sterilization of electrical equipment eliminates cross-contamination between patients. Intraoperative improvements include regional block anesthesia of the face, staged narcotic administration and newer methods of facial prechilling, and criteria for the ambient air in the operatory. Gentian Violet staining of the face and use of microfoam tape to delineate the mandibular boundary of a dermabrasion are helpful. The use of a custom handle for the spray refrigerant, the safety of Turkish towels used for retraction, and the application of a sharp Buck's curette make the procedure simpler and more effective. Postoperative aids include the use of systemic steroids and the new biological dressings which simplify the postoperative recovery period.

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