Molecular Cloning and Expression of Abscisic Acid-Responsive Genes in Embryos of Dormant Wheat Seeds

Hydrated dormant cereal seeds do not germinate even when environmental conditions are favorable for germination. By using cDNA cloning and differential screening, we have identified mRNAs from five gene families that are abundant in the embryos of imbibed, but developmentally arrested wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds. Gene transcript levels of these mRNAs are maintained and even increase in embryos of imbibed dormant seeds for as long as the seeds remain dormant. In contrast, transcript levels decline in nondormant seeds after imbibition and disappear as germination occurs. All the identified genes are ABA responsive. Based on these data we conclude that wheat seeds in the hydrated dormant state exhibit prolonged expression of ABA-responsive genes.