Transport simulation of the currentless ECRH plasma in Heliotron E

The transport of a currentless ECRH plasma in Heliotron E is studied numerically, using a 1-D transport code with an assumed RF power deposition profile. The investigated parameter range is as follows: 300 Te 1000 eV, Ti 120 eV, 2 < e< 10 X 1012 cm−3 and PRF ≈ 90 kW at B = I T. Four typical models for the transport coefficients are used in the numerical calculations. It is found that a neoclassical model results in a remarkable discrepancy of the time evolution of the electron temperature Te(r) and density ne(r) profiles with regard to the measured values. The neoclassical model which includes the effects of the helical field ripple seems to simulate the saturation of Te(0), in agreement with the experimental results. This saturation is due to the dependence of . However, a consistent description of Te(r) and ne(r) cannot be given by this model. In order to reproduce the measured profiles, it is necessary to use radially increasing transport coefficients. Adding Alcator-like anomalous transport terms (independent of Te) to the neoclassical transport model, it is found that e and PRF dependences of Te(0) can be adequately explained. The fourth model investigated has a temperature-dependent . For ions the e dependence of an anomaly factor, ,is also examined.