In the past 10 years we examined 35 children with fractures of the spine. The most important cause was an injury by a fall from a tree or a climbing stage (23 cases). Traffic accidents or other direct trauma was the cause in 10 patients. Two children had tetanus. The ages of the children range from 2 to 12 years. Clinical symptoms may be diagnostic of vertebral trauma, but quite often symptoms are insignificant or atypical. We detected fractures in every vertebra of the thoracic and lumbar part of the spine. The greatest number of fractures was found between T4 and L2. The typical injury of the spine is a compression fracture of the vertebral body with a wedgeshaped deformity (111 vertebrae); fractures of the transverse processus of lumbar vertebrae were not frequent (10 vertebrae). Other parts of the vertebrae were not involved. The value of scintigraphy in case of doubtful roent-genologic finding is pointed out.