Quasilattice Features of Concentrated Aqueous LiNO3 Solutions

The Raman Spectra of concentrated aqueous lithium nitrate solutions contain lines at 737, 1389, and 1458–1464 cm−1, characteristic of a nitrate ion in the first coordination sphere of lithium and lines at 718, 1352, and 1429 cm−1 typical of more dilute aqueous solutions. These spectra are compared with those of the hydrates LiNO3·3H2O and LiNO3·2.4H2O, the anhydrous crystal, and the molten salt. Regions with the water‐governing structure and with the latticelike structure simultaneously exist over a range of concentrations. This interpretation is consistent with a quasilattice model. A place‐exchange equilibrium constant is estimated for a nitrate ion entering the first coordination sphere of a lithium ion.