AID binds to transcription-induced structures in c-MYC that map to regions associated with translocation and hypermutation

Translocation and aberrant hypermutation of c-MYC are common in B-cell lymphomas. Activation-induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) initiates switch recombination and somatic hypermutation in B cells by targeted deamination of transcribed genes. We show that transcription of the immunoglobulin S regions and c-MYC results in formation of similar DNA structures, ‘G-loops’, which contain a cotranscriptional RNA: DNA hybrid on the C-rich strand and single-stranded regions and G4 DNA on the G-rich strand. AID binds specifically to G-loops within transcribed S regions and c-MYC, and G-loops in c-MYC map to the regions associated with translocation breakpoints and aberrant hypermutation in B-cell lymphomas. Aberrant targeting of AID to DNA structures formed upon c-MYC transcription may therefore contribute to the genetic instability of c-MYC in B-cell malignancies.